Collaborate with Claude Zilberberg: The Semiotic Convergence Between Tensitivity and Passions
Tensivity, Affect, ComplexityAbstract
Claude Zilberberg proposed in his Essay on tensive modalities, an introductory chapter entitled “Under the semes, is there what?” The answer of the tensive theory is simple: under the difference between terms, there are gradual discontinuities, which participate in the meaning not of the terms themselves, but of their difference. Therefore, the approach “term-to-term” type and the approach “degree-to-degree” type come from two complementary points of view.
Greimas wondered, in Structural Semantics, how we perceive discontinuities in the universes of meaning. In a “synchronous perception”, the sensitive grasp of discontinuities gives rise to a presentation, of gradual form: dependencies and dissymmetries, perceived as tensions and depths, grasped via an affect. Finally, the tensive grasp, associating several allotope dimensions at the same time, makes the choice of complexity.
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