Question about the subject




subject, gramar, subjectivity,


These reflections try to show that the subject can be seen as a
subjectum yet not as that which is ejected downwards, rather as
that placed below, in a background from which everything emerges,
or tends to emerge, and in which everything is sustained or
is attempted to be sustained. For its part, subjectivity would be
the human way of sustaining the world in an incessant process
of semiosis, the way of making it so that things —the thing, the
formless— take shape in diverse objects, in the object.


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Author Biography

Raúl Dorra, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Profesor e Investigador


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How to Cite

Dorra, R. (2018). Question about the subject. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(40), 11–33.