For an ecological semiotics


  • Jacques Fontanille University of Limoges



living/medium interactions, man/nature collectivities, scientific discourse, political discourse,


Semiotics can contribute to studies on the environment in three
complementary ways, but which imply very different commitments:
1) the analysis of discourses on the environment, and
especially the way in which scientific and political discourses
take them up and also distort them; 2) the analysis of environmental
objects, such as landscapes and environmental practices;
3) the analysis of the interactions between the living being and its
environment. In the latter case, the study of ecological interactions
leads, in particular, to establish the meaning of the different
types of collectives that we create with the other entities of our
environment, whether they are living or not. The case of the
cooperative located in Ardèche (France) illustrates this last point.


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Author Biography

Jacques Fontanille, University of Limoges

Emeritus Professor and CNRS's Member


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How to Cite

Fontanille, J. (2018). For an ecological semiotics. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(39), 65–80.