Communication in Tension: Translation, Dissemination, Research in the Work of Desiderio Blanco


  • Roberto Flores Ortiz ENAH



Desiderio Blanco, translation, high vulgarization, research, tensive semiotics, communication


D. Blanco's work as a semiotician is articulated around three aspects: translation, high vulgarization and original research. The article underlines the principle of unity of thought that underlies these three tasks. With the help of examples, the obstacles the researcher had to overcome are presented and the decisions made at the time are illustrated to respond to the respective objectives of the three academic programs mentioned above. These decisions show that they obey the same vision of the discipline regardless of the aspects in which it develops.


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Author Biography

Roberto Flores Ortiz, ENAH

Roberto Flores es investigador del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México. Sus investigaciones giran alrededor de las relaciones entre semiótica y las ciencias antropológicas. Es autor de El amor de las razones (1991), Sucesos y relato (2015), Magia publicitaria (2022), Archéosémiotique (coordinador, 2022), 8 ensayos de arqueosemiótica (coordinador, en prensa).


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Fontanille, J. (2008). Prácticas semióticas. Traducción de Desiderio Blanco. Universidad de Lima.

Gorlée, D. L. (2016). De la traduction à la sémiotraduction. Signata (7). 57-69. DOI: 10.4000/signata.1177

Hongjuan, L. (2016). On the Translation of Literary Quotation in English Literary Works. En Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic, Mechanical, Information and Management (pp. 890-893). Atlantis Press. DOI: 10.2991/emim-16.2016.183

Landowski, E. (2017). Interacciones arriesgadas. Traducción de Desiderio Blanco. Universidad de Lima.

Prieto, L. (1975). Études de linguistique et de sémiologies générales. Ginebra. Droz.

Zilberberg, C. (2006). Semiótica tensiva. Traducción de Desiderio Blanco. Universidad de Lima.



How to Cite

Flores Ortiz, R. (2024). Communication in Tension: Translation, Dissemination, Research in the Work of Desiderio Blanco. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(52), 9–21.