Rhetoric and the Manipulation of Values


  • Jacques Fontanille Universidad de Limoges.




When we try to embrace the group of rhetorical figures in order to understand them in a coherent way, we confront the disparity of the inventories handed down to us by tradition, and we generally come to typologies that add to the confusion without managing to obtain a satisfactory joint view. Therefore, it is at once necessary to give up accounting exhaustively for the inventories of figures and choose a point of view that surpasses the mere rhetorical perspective. It is for this reason that we suggest adopting a point of view of the “manipulation of values” in discourse and place ourselves in the most general perspective of enunciative praxis.

This double determination permits us to point out a “rhetorical dimension of discourse” and characterize the operations as carrying the value of discursive configurations. The rhetorical operations can then be ordered in a sequence in which each phase is characterized by at least two basic categories that can in turn be analyzed in subcategories. The sequence has the form of a “proof” (in production) and of a “problem solution” (in interpretation): (1) confrontation-problematization (Displacement vs Conflict), (2) control-mediation (Assumption vs Configuration), and (3) resolution- interpretation (Similarity vs Connection).

The rhetorical figures analyzed appear in this perspective as fixed products of praxis and others are also possible to take into account that don’t have a name. The model thus obtained is a model of rhetorical syntax of discourse and not a typology of the inventories of traditional rhetoric.


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Author Biography

Jacques Fontanille, Universidad de Limoges.

Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones Semióticas (CNRS, FRE 2208), catedrático de la Universidad de Limoges y del Instituo Universitario de Francia.



How to Cite

Fontanille, J. (2016). Rhetoric and the Manipulation of Values. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(8), 73–112. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2002.2.8.382