The immanence in question: a condition for interdisciplinarity?


  • Ivan Darrault-Harris Universidad de Limoges, Francia. Secretario de la Asociación Francesa de Semiótica.



semiotic, immanence, interdisciplinarity, psychanalyse


The first part draws again the recent history of three genealogies, two of them contesting strongly the principle of immanence and the formal structuralism: the first, morphological, taken over by Claude Lévi-Strauss and taken on by Jean Petitot, the other starting from Merleau-Ponty and Benveniste and succeeding, with Jean-Claude Coquet, to his theory of “instances” and the assertion of the principle of reality. The second part shows illustrations of interdisciplinary openings went possible by the contestation of the principle of immanence: the calculation of the subjectal positions in the act of redefining the subject named “borderline”; the discovery of the semiotic junction between the body and the fantasmatic activity of the teen-ager; the convergence of semio-psychiatric approaches in the research of the early genesis of the subject-baby. Paradoxically, we show also the utility, today, of the interdisciplinary value of the narrative grammar, result, nevertheless, of immanentist semiotics.


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Author Biography

Ivan Darrault-Harris, Universidad de Limoges, Francia. Secretario de la Asociación Francesa de Semiótica.

Profesor emérito del CeReS (Universidad de Limoges, Francia), Secretario de la Asociación Francesa de Semiótica, miembro del Colegio Internacional de la Adolescencia.


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How to Cite

Darrault-Harris, I. (2015). The immanence in question: a condition for interdisciplinarity?. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(33), 131–161.