Vol. 1 No. 47 (2022): Claude Zilberberg: Tensive Semiotics

					View Vol. 1 No. 47 (2022): Claude Zilberberg: Tensive Semiotics

This second volume dedicated to the work of Claude Zilberberg is intended to extend the concert of tributes to a singular theoretician within the so-called Paris Semiotic School, which was built on the legacy of F. de Saussure, L. Hjelmslev and A. J. Greimas. The authors gathered here have set themselves the task of exposing and investigating the central aspects of a theory -tensional semiotics- whose fecundity, put to the test in the analysis of discourses from different fields such as poetry, European classical music, politics or contemporary art, readers will not fail to bear witness here.

With these contributions, which are added to the previous volume, Claude Zilberberg will undoubtedly be recognized among semioticians as one of the great architects of this new "science of signification" - his vocation from the outset - which is the semiotic theory that brings us together.

Published: 2022-01-27
