Vol. 1 No. 15 (2006): Huellas del contacto lingüístico

					View Vol. 1 No. 15 (2006): Huellas del contacto lingüístico

History of human kind is a history of migrations and exchanges that leaves its prints on languages.  Following such affirmation, this issue brings together a set of works dedicated to the analysis of various morphosyntactic changes produced in languages in a contact situation.  Although the analysis of Spanish language in contact with American indigenous languages has been privileged, neither its impact on any indigenous languages, nor the contact between two indigenous languages, has been ignored. The researches brought together in this release let us leave behind the exaltations of linguistic homogeneity and monolingualism just to make possible the recognition of heterogeneity as the natural state of any complex community.

Published: 2016-02-13