Archives - Page 3

  • La inmanencia en cuestión - II
    Vol. 2 No. 32 (2014)

    This second installment continues the reflection on immanence started in the previous issue, but this time from the point of view of its complexity.  This feature of immanence lies in the fact of having a double essence -being absolute and relative, categorical and divergent- and a double reference -towards a layer inherent to the significant objects and towards the postulation of the method by which these objects must be analyzed-.

    The founders of semiotics postulated the absolute immanence as a starting and distinctive principle of the discipline, but the participants in this volume emphasize that the discussed notion never was a monolithic and unquestionable block, but rather a complexity that gives rise to divergences.

  • La inmanencia en cuestión - I
    Vol. 1 No. 31 (2014)

    Keeping alive the problem of immanence is feeding a source of conflict within the semiotic studies.  Such has been the purpose of launching into debate one of the pillars of the sciences of language on which an immovable certainty of semiotics was based.  Indeed, the immanent basis of the theory of sense was considered capable to cross unscathed, first, the structural hypothesis, and then, the multiple directions undertaken by post-structural semiotics.

    The texts selected for this issue follow a historical-theoretical orientation and go through some of the stages that, starting from the beginning, lead to the most recent evolutions of the hypothesis of immanence.

  • Variaciones semióticas del acorde
    Vol. 2 No. 30 (2013)

    The incorporation of dissonance in the composition of the chord represented a radical redefinition that transformed contemporary music and extended itself to the whole field of aesthesis. For this reason, resuming the current notion of chord as axis of a general reflection on sense implies establishing a different relationship with musical language and, more profoundly, with the sensible.

    The works that make up this issue reflect the semantic strength of a term that crosses several domains, at the same time that they articulate themselves around two main confluences: the reference, whether metaphorical or not, to the musical conception of the chord, and the testing of the concept itself in the varied disciplines from where it is approached.

  • Los márgenes, las orillas, los bordes
    Vol. 1 No. 29 (2013)

    Unlike the conceptions that nurture the idea that the center is the place where signification is generated, the works gathered here propose a different perspective where the margin, the edge and the border set the focus and even the starting point to think the center differently.  Such figures, related with the limits, are examined in literary, pictorial and textile works, as well as the semiotic functioning of culture itself.

    Moving the attention to the margins implies transforming the values that are promoted and giving a constituent meaning to what frames or circumscribes the center.  Margins, edges and borders, thus, become places where sense is enhanced.

  • El color: materia y forma
    Vol. 2 No. 28 (2012)

    In predominantly visual texts, when color drags with itself the purport and brings it to the forefront, especially through the form of expression, questions arise, such as: what purport are we talking about, the one that semiotics defined, in its first stage, as a “semiotically unformed purport”?  Or rather, is it a chromatic purport that corresponds to a theorization of color that interprets the materiality of pigments as a formant of the colored "substance"?  Faced with this theoretical and conceptual dilemma and in consonance with the most recent advances in semiotics, the authors gathered here propose a singular reflection on the relationships between color, purport and forms.

  • Formas de la lentitud II
    Vol. 1 No. 27 (2012)

    If “make haste slowly” was the paradox that encouraged the general project “Forms of Slowness” and particularly the first installment, now it is “rebound and redoubling of slowness” the syntagma that encourages this release.  Applying to slowness two terms that discourses tend to attribute to celerity, places us in a different perspective to show that slowness, judged in its own law, can also reach its excess of velocity, and that not only rapidness leads to the loss of sense.

    The contributions gathered here prove that the study of slowness is subject to countless correlations where tonicity, temporality, spatiality and even rhythmic patterns intervene.

  • Formas de la lentitud I
    Vol. 2 No. 26 (2011)

    The purpose that encourages this issue is to think of slowness as a meaningful universe inscribed in a semiosphere.  The articles gathered here in relation to this subject are aimed at questioning how and through what the subject, the consciousness, evaluates the variations or the deformations of the tempo, what pathemic, cognitive or pragmatic repercussions these variations would have when the emphasis is placed on the deceleration, and what decides and according to what is favored speed or slowness.  We have not set out to find only the virtues of slowness but to immerse ourselves in that meaningful universe to find its internal articulations and its deep structures.

  • La traducción, perspectivas actuales
    Vol. 1 No. 25 (2011)

    Meditating on translation means scrutinizing the very nature of human speech, its semiotic texture, its cognoscitive powers, its social and cultural functions.  Ultimately, it means to inquire into the onto-gnoseology of the language and the language as onto-gnoseology.

    The contributions collected in this edition address various theoretical problems raised by the exercise of translation, such as the nature of the relationships that are knitted between interpretation and translation, the study of specificity of the literary work in the light of the traductological studies, the consubstantiality between the reflection on the practice of translation and the practice of poetics, or the intertextual relationships that unfold between an original work and its different versions.

  • La significación del espacio
    Vol. 2 No. 24 (2010)

    In ancient Greece, the term topos comprehended the present concepts of place and space.  After Aristotle, it is considered that space is one of the dimensions of reality along with time.  The development of sciences and of thought in general made it possible to propose an opposite idea: that space, just as time, does not pre-exist to the action, but it is its product.

    Starting from different perspectives and assumptions, the authors gathered in this issue investigate not the space in itself, but the meanings that it generates in ourselves, that is, not the physical space or the extension, but the lived or represented space that some call social space.

  • Semántica e interpretación
    Vol. 1 No. 23 (2010)

    The contributions gathered in this issue attest the dynamic character of the conformation of the sense, and offer through reflection or analysis, different answers about the main questions posed by the relationship between semantics and interpretation, such as: to what extent does what is said guide the interpretation? Does the subject intervene in the production of sense? How do meanings organized by the language and those that result from its use, interact? How to characterize the link between sociohistorical text and context?

    The problem of interpretation is addressed here both, from the interpretative semantics of François Rastier, of which its current developments are shown, and from other theoretical proposals from linguistics and anthropology

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