The patient wait


  • Guillermina Casasco Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (Departamento San Salvador).



Understood as unpronounceable, the moment of revelation of the truth would be corresponded by silence. The consideration of the theme of slowness that is examined here breaks from the assumption that the manifestation of the truth in discourse is incomplete. Likewise, coherent with the movement of the incessant search for the truth, the desire is upheld in the renewed suspension of the encounter with the object that would satisfy it. In the light of poetic and religious languages, this proposal addresses slowness under the form of the wait which is manifested in the encounter with the obstacle and in the displacement of the revealing moment of the sense. The presence of time from the perspective of desire in poetic writing and in its relationships with the religious act is analyzed in the verses of San Juan de la Cruz and in other exemplary ritual formations.


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Author Biography

Guillermina Casasco, Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (Departamento San Salvador).

Profesora e investigadora en la Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero (Departamento de San Salvador).


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How to Cite

Casasco, G. (2016). The patient wait. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(27), 35–47.