Incarnated Enunciation: Rhythms of the Song, Rhythms of the Body


  • Verónica Estay Stange University of Paris Cité



symbolic efficiency, enunciation, rhythm, tensivity, perceptive faith


Returning to the concept of “Symbolic efficacy” proposed by Lévi-Strauss based on the analysis of a shamanic developed by the Kuna Indians in the context of a difficult birth, this article analyzes the sensitive dimension of enunciation with the aim of showing that this efficacy is also, or above all, a rhythmical efficacy. From this perspective, we consider that the parallelisms that structure both the content plane and that the expression plane generate, in their syntagmatic deployment, a system of tensions and distensions destined to become incarnated in the patient, through breathing. We thus study the mechanisms of this somatic adhesion which, referring to Husserl’s concept of “perceptual faith”, determines a path of the voice which is also a path of the body.


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Author Biography

Verónica Estay Stange, University of Paris Cité

Verónica Estay Stange es doctora en lengua y literatura francesas, con especialidad en semiótica. La primera parte de su investigación se centra en la transversalidad de las artes, y la segunda, en la relación entre arte y memoria histórica. Profesora en la Universidad París Cité, ha coordinado catorce publicaciones colectivas y es autora de más de cincuenta artículos y de cuatro libros: Sens et musicalité. Les voix secrètes du Symbolisme (2014), La musique hors d'elle-même. Le paradigme musical et l'art contemporain (2018), La resaca de la memoria (2023) y De Papudo al infierno (2024).


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How to Cite

Estay Stange, V. (2024). Incarnated Enunciation: Rhythms of the Song, Rhythms of the Body. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(53), 66–81.