Enunciation as "a Phenomenon of Subjective Estimation"


  • Luiz Tatit Universidad de São Paulo




appreciation, content accentuation, semiotic existence, narration, event


This article examines the effects of enunciation on the modes of semiotic existence by highlighting the content appraisals elaborated by the subjects (enunciative and enunciative) and the accents that make each mode more or less impacting, depending on the affective involvement of the actors involved. This coefficient of intensity affects the four modes (realization, potentiation, virtualization, and actualization) and ends up defining, in our opinion, the enunciative calculus present in all discourse and which Greimas called “estimation” at the beginning of the 1970’s. The article combines the (appreciative) estimation with the (affective) accentuation promoted by current semiotics, which has as an analytical resource the plus and minus increments, as well as their suggestive combinations, all notions proposed by Claude Zilberberg’s semiotic model. Precisely because it produces in the same enunciative act the four modes of existence, the enunciation generates among them an enormous mobility of the actantial links lived in the realization, since it has memory and hope as devices that maintain those contents —especially the accentuated ones— in continuous circulation.


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Author Biography

Luiz Tatit, Universidad de São Paulo

Luiz Tatit es profesor titular de alto nivel del Departamento de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad de São Paulo. Es autor de los libros Todos Entoam - Ensaios, Conversas y Lembranças [Todos cantan. Ensayos, conversaciones y recuerdos] (2014), Estimar Canções: Estimativas Íntimas na Formação do Sentido [Estimar canciones: estimaciones íntimas en la formación del sentido] (2016), y Passos da Semiótica Tensiva [Pasos de la semiótica tensiva] (2019). Todos publicados por la editorial Ateliê de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Tatit, L. (2024). Enunciation as "a Phenomenon of Subjective Estimation". Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(53), 13–29. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2025.1.53.889