Towards a poetics of translation


  • Victor Ivanovici Universidad Aristóteles de Salónica.





In this article the author proposes a concept of the poetics of
translation, whose model is an act of communication in general,
and more specifically of textual and literary communication. As
a consequence, its principal subdivisions or stages are: 1) the
poetics of the act of translation centered on the translator as
producer of messages or translated texts; 2) the poetics of what
has been translated, centered on the respective messages or texts
as such and 3) the poetics of reception or reading by means of a


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Author Biography

Victor Ivanovici, Universidad Aristóteles de Salónica.

Profesor en la Universidad Aristóteles de Salónica.


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How to Cite

Ivanovici, V. (2016). Towards a poetics of translation. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(25), 139–160.