Of Mice and Men: The Inheritance of Trauma. Bio-Psycho-Semiotic Reflections


  • Ivan Darrault-Harris University of Limoges




Trauma, Inheritance, Post-Memory, Intromission


The question of the inheritance of trauma will first be considered from experiments on mice, which show the objective existence of an epigenetic transmission of trauma, over two generations, without causing a modification of the genome. We will then examine the transfer of this hypothesis of transmission to the humans, from the work of the group MemoTV but especially on the basis of the analysis of a case of post-memory manifested by a teenager victim of the legacy of the horrors of the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia. This leads to acting out behaviors (threat with gun, fugue) whose meaning will appear thanks to a psychotherapeutic intervention. 


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Author Biography

Ivan Darrault-Harris, University of Limoges



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How to Cite

Darrault-Harris, I. (2020). Of Mice and Men: The Inheritance of Trauma. Bio-Psycho-Semiotic Reflections. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(45), 40–44. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2021.1.45.715