Eliminating space, eliminating life


  • Janine Altounian University of Paris 13




exile, migration, trauma, elaboration, transgenerational psichoanalysis


This article tries to shed light on an aspect of trauma related to historical catastrophes that Freudian theory had originally put in parentheses: its social and political dimension. From this perspective, it is a matter of studying the determining role that the host country (in the proper sense of the term: a welcoming country) of exiles and migrants, as well as their descendants, plays in the elaboration and verbalization of trauma. As a metapsychic guarantor (R. Kaës), the environment should enable these people to access the community. When this is not the case, those who today are designated by the euphemism of migrants become, from generation to generation, truly stateless (homeless) deprived not only of their native country but of a homeland in the etymological sense of the term (that designates the (a) filiation relative to the father). 


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Author Biography

Janine Altounian, University of Paris 13

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Altounian, J. (2020). Eliminating space, eliminating life. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(44), 112–122. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2020.2.44.703