Dialogue with Tim Ingold. Different contributions in the field of phenomenological anthropology


  • Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho Universidad Pontificia Católica de Río Grande del Sur
  • Carlos Alberto Steil Universidad Pontificia Católica de Río Grande del Sur




ecological anthropology, Tim Ingold, education of attention, perception, environment,


The paper highlights Tim Ingold’s contribution to an ecological
anthropology and to the human sciences, particularly discussing
the concepts of perception, body, flesh and landscape, developed
in the book “The perception of environment” (1990). We consider Ingold’s later book, Being Alive (2011) as well as Ingold’s
own observations on the first version of this paper, presented
and discussed at the Culture, Perception and Environment Seminar
(2011), where Ingold personally debated articles written
in dialogue with his work. In this article, following Tim Ingold,
we start from a phenomenological posture and an interdisciplinary
dialogue with biology and psychology, to understand
the experience common to all living beings, constituted as
organisms that, in turn, do not enclose themselves in envelopes
specific identities. From these propositions, the possibilities
of being in the world are opened and education is evidenced
as mobilization of attention, putting in check the theories on the
transmission of culture and the human formation based on oppositions
such as mind and body, nature and culture. In this
way, we are faced with a radical ecological perspective that
symmetrically thinks of the place and status of organisms and
their agency in the world.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho, Universidad Pontificia Católica de Río Grande del Sur


Carlos Alberto Steil, Universidad Pontificia Católica de Río Grande del Sur



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How to Cite

de Moura Carvalho, I. C., & Steil, C. A. (2018). Dialogue with Tim Ingold. Different contributions in the field of phenomenological anthropology. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(39), 101–124. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2018.1.39.529