Narrativity in Semiotics


  • Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros Presbitarian University of Mackensi and University of Sao Paolo



narrative semiotics, semiotic of passions, regimes of interaction and meaning


In the first part of this paper, we reassess the steps and the three
main jumps, or ruptures, responsible for the coming about of
semiotic studies of narrativity: From the Proppian functions
to narrative utterances; from the subject’s performance to
their competence and their competence and modal existence;
from modality to passions. In the second part, we point out
the new paths and perspectives in development. Two main new
proposals are considered here: the semiotic study of passions,
which, having preconditions of meaning, resolve many of the
difficulties faced in earlier semiotic treatments of passions and
esthesis; Landowski’s regimes of interaction and meaning, who
reformulated narrative syntax and proposed not just a relation of
conjunction between the subject and the object in the utterance,
but also of union.


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Author Biography

Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros, Presbitarian University of Mackensi and University of Sao Paolo



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How to Cite

Pessoa de Barros, D. L. (2017). Narrativity in Semiotics. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(37), 25–47.