Vol. 1 No. 41 (2019): On Subject and Subjectivity, II

					View Vol. 1 No. 41 (2019): On Subject and Subjectivity, II

Starting from the existing general understanding of the concept subject —as function and active principle that can be figurativized until reaching the human subject—, the contributions gathered here explore the different perspectives of analysis that this word has acquired and its inescapable relationship with other terms such as subjectality, subjectivation, subjectivism, intersubjectivity, subjectity, etc.

This second installment on subject and subjectivity contains critical approaches, articles that resume the definitions developed by the sciences of language and semiotics of structural origin —including the semiotics of the body and tensive semiotics—, works that make semiotics dialogue with other disciplines, and texts that address specific problems in the field of artificial intelligence.

Published: 2019-06-19

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