Interprative linguistics and the semiotic foundations of translation


  • François Rastier CNRS.





This paper reports on a study performed prior to recent
descriptive proposals (Rastier, 2006), in order to identify the
epistemological obstacles currently being created by the semiotic
conceptions governing cognitive and communicative theories of
translation. Because these conceptions fall within the tripartite
syntax/semantics/pragmatics split imposed by logical positivism,
they are unable to capture the particular characteristics either
of linguistic signs or of text semiotics, as defined by historical
and comparative linguistics, most notably by de Saussure.
Even more than the sign, the concept of the text actually places
interpretation fully back within the scope of linguistics, allowing
it to be seen in a new light, as an interactive movement between
the text and the intertext. Text linguistics, particularly in its
interpretative dimension, thus assumes special responsibility for
applying a standardized methodology to describe relationships
within and between texts, whether in the same or in different


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Author Biography

François Rastier, CNRS.

Director de Investigación en el CNRS.


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How to Cite

Rastier, F. (2016). Interprative linguistics and the semiotic foundations of translation. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(25), 15–52.