A Catenary and Tensive Model for the Structure of the Semiotic Square: Come out of Aristotle


  • Waldir Beividas University of Sao Paolo




Tensive Semiotics, Semiotic square, Catenary


“The gradual being posited as the first, the categorical is obtained by suspension of the catenary terms and conservation of the extreme terms” (Zilberberg, 1981, p. 10). The word catenary designates in geometry the curved shape taken by a cable suspended by its extremities and subjected to its own weight. This figure of the catenary is here explored in order to inaugurate two theorizations: a) superimposed on the tensive graph [∟], proposed by Zilberberg, it requires a second graph, mirrored, inverted, thus duplicating the tensive gradient to collect the two terms categorical of the semiotic square which thus “intensifies”; b) the catenary diagram authorizes a tensive model of articulation of the semantisms of language outside the Aristotelian logic of the semiotic square, allowing it to go beyond it, that is to say by allowing the semiotics to “come out of Aristotle”. 


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Author Biography

Waldir Beividas, University of Sao Paolo

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Beividas, W. (2021). A Catenary and Tensive Model for the Structure of the Semiotic Square: Come out of Aristotle. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(46), 101–117. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2021.2.46.740