The Deceptions of Post-Memory


  • Patrizia Violi University of Bologne



transgenerational psychoanalysis, psycho-semiotics, phenomenology of memory, enunciation, semiotic practices


Considering the vagueness and imprecision of the notion of post-memory such as it is used in the domain of contemporary Memory Studies, this article aims to question the very distinction between memory and post-memory. Assuming a semiotic perspective centred on discourse phenomena, the psychoanalytic notion of trans-generational transmission is discussed, and its specific features are analysed. Post memory is seen as an ongoing process of semiosis which continuously modifies its content. The focus is then on the different forms —at the figurative, enunciative and pathemic level— that post-memory discourses can take depending on socio-cultural contexts.


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Author Biography

Patrizia Violi, University of Bologne

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Violi, P. (2020). The Deceptions of Post-Memory. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(44), 12–28.