Questions of Form


  • Jean-François Bordron University of Limoges (CeReS)



Icon, Substance, Morphology


We attempt to show that a form produces meaning only in a
unique experience that imbibes it with life. In this manner, we
are prompted to distinguish forms contained in a system from
those found in an objectifying perceptive experience and, finally,
from those existing in a semiotic function. One of the results of
this research is to explain why the levels of organization that
Hjelmslev calls substance and matter can have, i n the context
of perception and image, a real function of form.


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Author Biography

Jean-François Bordron, University of Limoges (CeReS)

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Bordron, J.-F. (2020). Questions of Form. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(43), 19–34.