Natural frontiers/cultural frontiers: new problems/new theories


  • Silvia Barei Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Lenguas.



frontiers, ecosystems, semiosphere


Though frontiers are usually understood as places of exclusion and difference, in this work, following Lotman’s footsteps, we will consider them otherwise: as transitional zones, rather apt for translations and information exchange. These zones are good for semiotization; in other words, that which comes from the outside (either from another culture or from the natural world) can be translated to the language that permeates and binds one’s own culture. In this domain, our most basic question would be: What informs the relationship that exists between cultural experiences, biological organization, and all the expressions that stem from the various languages? We would like to think that the current complex field, in a certain way designed by the articulation of ecosemiotics and a semiotics of culture, could provide some answers concerning the way in which cultural texts interpret (translate/confront) the natural world.


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Author Biography

Silvia Barei, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Lenguas.

Profesora en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de


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How to Cite

Barei, S. (2016). Natural frontiers/cultural frontiers: new problems/new theories. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(29), 109–125.