A transcendental subject in Semiotics?


  • Elder Cuevas Calderón University of Lima




Trascendental subject, Ontology, Semiotics, Jacques Fontanille, Postmondern Historicism


This essay analyses the pertinence of the transcendental subject
into Semiotics. Even though this topic has been treated
with distance, our aim is to propose a reinterpretation of the
transcendental Subject without the postmodern historicism.
From Descartes to Foucault, and from Kant to Lacan, this essay
confronts the possibility of transcendentality in the Semiotics
of Jacques Fontanille. We have chosen the ontology perspective
of antagonism, the negative status of liberty, the relation of Politics
and Universality and the incompleteness of the Subject in
democratic demands.


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Author Biography

Elder Cuevas Calderón, University of Lima



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How to Cite

Cuevas Calderón, E. (2019). A transcendental subject in Semiotics?. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(41), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2019.1.41.598