Intentional instances and attribution of subjectivity. Interposition, resistance and ambition of the subject


  • Pierluigi Basso Fossali Université Lumière Lyon 2



subject, identity, intentionality, actor, resistance


Our goal is not to recognize the rights and wrongs of different
theoretical positions concerning the subjectivity, but to understand
what integration of perspectives is available and what pieces
still missing in a theory of the subject in semiotics.
What interests us is not the opposition between an objective
person, fundamentally normalized, and a self-reflexive subject,
characterized by an imperfective exploration of himself: but
their syncretic treatment. In our opinion, the most important
consequence of the pluralization of discursive instances is the
acceptance of dualisms between forms of subjectivities which
force us to manage them on different planes and without escaping
a series of double binds and internal paradoxes.
The notion of subject is finally the interpretant useful to understand
why there is a plurality of language-games played at
the same time when human collectives would invite to achieve
on the contrary univocal convergences


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Author Biography

Pierluigi Basso Fossali, Université Lumière Lyon 2



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How to Cite

Basso Fossali, P. (2019). Intentional instances and attribution of subjectivity. Interposition, resistance and ambition of the subject. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(41), 9–55.