Thinking nature with Lacan: signifier, split subject and object a


  • Enrique Israel Ruiz Albarrán Universidad Autónoma Chapingo



signifier, split subject, object a,


The author explores here three concepts to “think” nature according
to the discourse of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan.
Assuming three notions inherent to his theory: signifier, split
subject and production of object a, his discussion focuses on the
contemporary idea that the understanding of nature is historically determined phenomenon and intimately linked to language.
At the same time, introduces the problem of the constitution of
subjectivity in its encounter with the real of the physis, a contingent
encounter that becomes foundational. Such is it’s “effect” on
the subject, that divides it, summoning it to put certain psychic
objects a, while they are lost in the structure of language.


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Author Biography

Enrique Israel Ruiz Albarrán, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo



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How to Cite

Ruiz Albarrán, E. I. (2018). Thinking nature with Lacan: signifier, split subject and object a. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(39), 125–146.