The impossible Client (History of a Ressentment)
iconization, semi-symbolic correlations, aesthetic capture, values and valences, affective and cognitive incompetenceAbstract
In the short story “Los Merengues” the sense is determined
retrospectively. The short story is oriented to the conjunctionconsumption
of some candy, an objective that the main character
does not come to achieve. The affective-cognitive incompetency
of the protagonist boy is presupposed, this incompetency undervalues
the practical means the boy has: the money. His program
of appropriation clashes against the counterprogram of conservation
of disjunction played by the opponent, this counterprogram
finally wins. The contract is denied, the conflict prevails. The
resulting frustration arise deception and malcontent, along
with the project of construction of another objective: revenge.
Upon the passional scheme of rage, this analysis explores the
dimensions of competence, the structures of interaction, the phenomena
of ascending and descending tensivity, the valences of
values and the construction of bodies.
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