Narrative Thought and Action


  • César González Ochoa UNAM



narrativity, action, multiple intelligences, narrative thinking


The story, the narrative, are not only manifestations of a certain
literary genre, but rather constitute a way of being in the world.
In this paper, we propose a line that starts from the notion of
action with the development of the ideas of Hannah Arendt, who
sees the action as a central feature of the human and as a basic
component of the narration. Hence we develop, with the help of
the concept of multiple intelligences, the idea of narrativity as a
modality of cognitive functioning.


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Author Biography

César González Ochoa, UNAM

Professor and researcher


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How to Cite

González Ochoa, C. (2017). Narrative Thought and Action. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(37), 103–124.