Potentialities of the Greimasian Narrativite


  • Luiz Tatit University of Sao Paolo
  • Waldir Beividas Universidad de São Paulo




semiotics, narrative, anthropogenesis, drive, thymia


Having been the epicenter of Algirdas Julien Greimas’ reflections
on Semiotics since its origins, the narrativity is here
investigated in three propositive directions: (i) To understand
the implicit tensivity in the Greimasian narrative model, from
Claude Zilberberg’s heuristic proposals; (ii) to incorporate into
narrativity —conceived as the anthropology of human imaginary—
the thymic-drive regime, as defended by Jean Petitot;
(iii) to suggest the entry of semiotics point of view into the
debate over the “great stories of anthropogenesis” —such as the
scientific-evolutionary narratives of human species, the humanist
narratives of the “human exception”, the phenomenological
narrative of “anthropological difference”, among others— to instruct
such debate with the proposal of a “semiological narrative”
that evidences the fundamental presence and action of language
in this anthropogenesis.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Tatit, University of Sao Paolo


Waldir Beividas, Universidad de São Paulo



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How to Cite

Tatit, L., & Beividas, W. (2017). Potentialities of the Greimasian Narrativite. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(37), 49–72. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2017.1.37.481