The Narrative Algorithm of History


  • Enrique Ballón Aguirre Ferdinand de Saussure Institute



narrativity, history, semiotics


On two occasions Professor A. J. Greimas reflected on the narrative
structures of the discourse of history. This article exhibits
both his observations on the semantic nature of the particular
kind of discourse developed therein, as well as his approaches
to initiate the semiolinguistic exploration of the vast historical
continent. What follows, is two samples that try unsuccessfully
to apply the Greimasian paradigm to describe historical texts.
In the end, the concrete material hermeneutic study of a brief
passage reveals the interpretative scope of the contemporary
semiotics of cultures to analyze —denounce— the ideology that
coerces historical discourse.


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Author Biography

Enrique Ballón Aguirre, Ferdinand de Saussure Institute



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How to Cite

Ballón Aguirre, E. (2017). The Narrative Algorithm of History. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(37), 73–101.