From the meta-faith to what kills the faith: a Quino’s allegory


  • Óscar Quezada Macchiavello University of Lima



Quino, Mundo Mezquino, semiotics, graphic humour, tragicomic efficacy, mid-symbolism, meta-faith, parody, allegory, sonata, existential metaphor


The practice of graphic humour used to produce short texts in
which affective intensity is concentrated, correlative to a precise
cognitive deployment. In this case, the tragicomic efficacy resides,
in much extent, in the presentation of a powerful spacetime
mid-symbolism articulated rhetorically through an allegory
which incorporates figurative, thematic and, mainly, passional
oppositions. That mid-symbolism, already in narrative terms, is
supported by a tripartite sequence, such as a classic sonata, but
inverted. All those relations and operations shape a parody of
despair: in the central stage, it emerges a sudden stamp of faith,
in a cheerful tone, in the protagonist; escorted (or crushed),
before, by his dramatics disorientation and, afterwards, by the
crude disappointment caused by sad walkers (andantes). With
no doubt, this is an existential metaphor of the failed donation
of sense that anguishes the man of our time when contemplating
the exploitation and robotization of his similars.


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Author Biography

Óscar Quezada Macchiavello, University of Lima



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How to Cite

Quezada Macchiavello, Óscar. (2017). From the meta-faith to what kills the faith: a Quino’s allegory. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(36), 71–91.