Between languages and discourses: “(si), pero no mucho” ([yes], but not so much)


  • Mónica G. Zoppi Fontana State University of Campinas



modalization, subjectivity, linguistic identity,


The aim of this paper is to analyze the discursive and semantic
meaning of the expression “(si), pero no mucho” ((yes), but not
so much), which appears spelled in Spanish inside texts written
in Brazilian Portuguese. We organize the description in two
stages: the first describes the argumentative value of this expression,
considering its operation as a counter-argumentative
discourse-marker and the de-realizing effects (attenuation) that
it produces. The second describes the enunciation in Spanish
of this expression, analyzing its operation as an autonymic
modalization of the statement, which produces a reading-back
movement of reinterpretation. We conclude that the expression
“(si), pero no mucho” ((yes), but not so much) concentrates in
its linguistic materiality traces of both an argumentative movement
and a subjective movement. This expression, because of its
Spanish spelling, presents marks of an ironic enunciation, whose
discursive foundation is in the historical determination of the
identification/subjectivation processes of Brazilians speakers,
affected by the ideological effects of the linguistic conflict between
Spanish and Portuguese inside the Mercosur.


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Author Biography

Mónica G. Zoppi Fontana, State University of Campinas

Professor (Linguistic Department) and Responsible for the Linguistic Cursus at the Institute of Language Studies




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How to Cite

Zoppi Fontana, M. G. (2016). Between languages and discourses: “(si), pero no mucho” ([yes], but not so much). Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(35), 133–172.