Four Verbal Categories and Their Relation to Begin


  • Svend Østergaard Universidad de Aarhus.



The article presents a classification of verb predications by presenting dynamic schemata for the prototypical scenarios to which the predications refer. The schemata are, of course, conceptual in nature. They involve the instrumental interaction with the spatio-temporal world, the force of dynamic interaction between two agents that are conceptualized as intentional, affective expressions conceptualized as reactions to external events, and finally cognitive transformations referring to the mental domain.

The effect of applying the aspectual verb begin to the verb predication is examined, and in fact the classification proposed is a result of the different effects that can be verified. Finally, the application of temporal adverbs to the verbal phrase is briefly touched upon.


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Author Biography

Svend Østergaard, Universidad de Aarhus.

Investigador del Center for Semiotics de la Universidad de Aarhus.



How to Cite

Østergaard, S. (2016). Four Verbal Categories and Their Relation to Begin. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(3), 53–89.