The radical immanence


  • Jean-François Bordron Seminario de París.



immanence, dependence, mereology, structure, history.


This article proposes a reading of the principle of immanence
formulated by Hjelmslev. He interprets this principle not as an
attempt to limit the search to a single subject area, language
for example, but as an invitation to build interfaces between
domains seemed disjointed, at first sight. So we can expect to
build what Hjelmslev calls “immanence higher order”. This understanding
of the principle of immanence extends to all areas of
human sciences (anthropology, psychology, etc.) from which it is
still difficult to find a common point of view. In a more general
way, he invites to find a number of affinities and coherence between
the elements of a multiplicity as are for example different
time regimes united in the same moment. This interpretation of
the principle of immanence is understood as an epistemological
tool in the context of a semiotic of cultures.


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Author Biography

Jean-François Bordron, Seminario de París.

Co-responsable del Seminario de París.


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How to Cite

Bordron, J.-F. (2016). The radical immanence. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(32), 15–37.