Discursive epistemology under construction: Immanent semiotic theory between perception and semioception


  • Waldir Beividas Universidad de São Paulo.




semioception, immanence, perception, transcendence, discursive epistemology.


Current semiotic theory takes a look at daily life interactions, in
which sense is unstable and fleeting, under the coercive pressures
of the subject’s apprehension and the sensory limitations of his/
her body. The concept of perception takes a privileged place in
semiotic reflections. Resorting to this concept of phenomenological
philosophy must be considered critically, since it causes
us to bring a (transcendental) “substance” in through the back
door of the house of semiotics, which is epistemologically built
on the concept of immanent form. The purpose of our paper is
to present the concept of semioception, created on the basis of
the semiotic principle of the arbitrariness of the linguistic sign,
a concept that is in competition with that of perception. On a
more distant horizon, we can envision the possibility of a discursive
epistemology of immanent status, responsible for handling
semiotic reflections.


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Author Biography

Waldir Beividas, Universidad de São Paulo.

Profesor en el Departamento de Lingüística de la Universidad de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Beividas, W. (2016). Discursive epistemology under construction: Immanent semiotic theory between perception and semioception. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(31), 139–159. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2014.1.31.34