Logics of delusion: the paradox in the philosophical discourse of Kant and Deleuze


  • Zenia Yébenes Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa




representation, limit, sense, delusion, unconscious,


This article offers an account of the emergence of that kind of
paradox that is the antinomy in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason,
and in Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition and Logic of
Sense. Kant and Deleuze show two different applications of the
paradox in philosophical discourse. For Kant, the contradictions
indicate the irreducibility of the limits of experience and the
strict regulatory nature of the ideas that avoid the dangers of
metaphysical delirium. For Deleuze the Idea is the unconscious
of thought and the paradox let us see that the principles of
identity and contradiction are side effects and derivatives of the
production of meaning.


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Author Biography

Zenia Yébenes, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa

Profesora e investigadora en el Departamento de Humanidades


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How to Cite

Yébenes, Z. (2016). Logics of delusion: the paradox in the philosophical discourse of Kant and Deleuze. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(34), 51–81. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2015.2.34.316