Paradox and didactic discourse: the explanation of Saussure’s thought based on new readings of his work


  • Paula Navarro Universidad Nacional de Rosario



saussurean concepts, paradox, pedagogical discourse, procedure, new readings,


In this paper we intend to investigate the role of the paradox in the pedagogical discourse based on new readings of Saussure’s work, in particular from the Writings in General Linguistics ([1996] 2004), that seek to “revisit” them due to, on the one hand, the limited access and circulation during the 20th century and,
on the other hand, the theoretical possibilities that his thoughts offer almost a hundred years after the appearance of Course in General Linguistics (1916). The paradox will be considered as a rhetorical figure of opposition that would work in the pedagogical discourse as a procedure bound to alter the interpretation predominantly univocal of the Saussurean concepts, in particular, of the language; and furthermore postulate other meanings that are less schematic.


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Author Biography

Paula Navarro, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora en la Escuela de Letras de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario


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How to Cite

Navarro, P. (2016). Paradox and didactic discourse: the explanation of Saussure’s thought based on new readings of his work. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(34), 13–28.