The slowness of things. The place of alosemiotics in the heideggerian Reading of Georg Trakl


  • Adrián Bertorello Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.





This article analyzes a figure of slowness that appears in the
conference of Heidegger die Sprache. That figure is the lingering
of things. The purpose of the analysis lies in determining the
place of what Yuri Lotman terms as alosemiotic in the
heideggerian interpretation of the poetry of Georg Trakl Ein
Winterabend. The thesis to be developed is as follows: that which
is outside the semiotic boundary may only enter into the space
of sense through a bilingual translator. That translator
corresponds, in Heidegger’s thinking, to the concept of the world
as square (Geviert). The slowness of things describes one of the
semantic axes of the world.


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Author Biography

Adrián Bertorello, Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.

Profesor en el Centro de Estudios Filosóficos “Eugenio Pucciarelli” de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Bertorello, A. (2016). The slowness of things. The place of alosemiotics in the heideggerian Reading of Georg Trakl. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(26), 93–110.