

With the purpose of guaranteeing national and international visibility to the published texts, Tópicos del Seminario is registered in databases, in scientific journal portals, and in various indexes:
CONACyT Classification System for Science and Technology Journals ( nr. of record: 196.
Scielo México (
Scielo Citation Index (Web of Science) (see via CONRICYT, Thomson Reuters, nr. record: 106)
MLA International Bibliography (
MLA Directory of Periodicals (
CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, LLBA
LATINDEX, Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of America Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Latindex)
REDALYC, Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean (Redalyc)
LINGMEX, Bibliography Linguistics of Mexico (LINGMEX)
HELA, Hemeroteca Latinoamericana (Hemeroteca Latinoamericana)
MIAR, Information Matrix for Journal Analysis (MIAR)
BIBLAT, Latin American Bibliography in scientific and social research journals (Biblat)
DIALNET (Dialnet).