Vol. 1 No. 43 (2020): Avatars of Form, II

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One of the main threads of this second volume dedicated to the Avatars of form has been to place the arts, sciences, mathematics and philosophy on the same terrain, bearing in mind that this same terrain does not form, by any means, a totality because there is no such thing as a great form that connects all the forms with which each discipline is concerned. If each discipline is conceived as a space, one would say that these are related according to modes of connectivity, a concept that is more appropriate to leave behind that of totality that implies, in general, a simple model and that pretends to conquer monism by simplification. Thus, form has been considered the central aspect that makes it possible to build all the bridges and become a transversal concept that configures knowledge and human experience, as evidenced in the series of articles gathered here, which, from semiotics, anthropology, language sciences, mathematics and philosophy discuss the concept, expression and manifestation of form linked to perception, cultural complexity, art, aesthetics and geometry.

Published: 2020-06-17

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