Vol. 1 No. 37 (2017): The Principle of Narrativity. Tribute to Greimas

					View Vol. 1 No. 37 (2017): The Principle of Narrativity. Tribute to Greimas

Honoring the scientific spirit of Greimas, who conceived semiotic theory as a process in constant construction thanks to the inherent meta-semiotic activity that animates it, this issue brings together current reflections by Latin-American semioticians on the principle of narrativity. In order to examine the heuristic value of this principle to its full extent, a journey is made from its historical-epistemological origins, going through the great development it had and by which the projection of semiotics took place as a possible methodology for social sciences, to contemporary semiotics, which is called to consolidate its own disciplinary identity and to give answers to the different forms that signification has been acquiring in recent times.

Published: 2017-06-05


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