Vol. 2 No. 32 (2014): La inmanencia en cuestión - II

					View Vol. 2 No. 32 (2014): La inmanencia en cuestión - II

This second installment continues the reflection on immanence started in the previous issue, but this time from the point of view of its complexity.  This feature of immanence lies in the fact of having a double essence -being absolute and relative, categorical and divergent- and a double reference -towards a layer inherent to the significant objects and towards the postulation of the method by which these objects must be analyzed-.

The founders of semiotics postulated the absolute immanence as a starting and distinctive principle of the discipline, but the participants in this volume emphasize that the discussed notion never was a monolithic and unquestionable block, but rather a complexity that gives rise to divergences.

Published: 2016-03-10