Journal history

Journal history

The editorial project arose from the works that are developed in the Seminar of Studies of Signification, based in the Semiotics Program of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. This seminar brings together specialists from various institutions on a monthly basis around an annual program organized into three thematic modules, each of which takes place over four months. Hence, the chosen title, Tópicos del Seminario, seeks to indicate that the topics addressed in each volume are not only representative of current concerns in the areas involved, but also of the work carried out within the Seminar.
The journal began to be published in 1999 and, since then, it has rigorously maintained its semi-annual appearance and has had, from the beginning, the collaboration of the most prestigious specialists in semiotics and related branches.
Tópicos del Seminario began as a monographic journal, a feature that it maintains today, but has added new sections to the Articles, such as the News of the Greimas Fund (which collects reviews of new publications that enter the bibliographic collection of the Program of Semiotics), Horizons (which includes works that expose the trajectory of an author, of a current of thought or school, or of a line of research, whose contributions have been or are relevant for the development, consolidation, and enrichment of semiotic theory), and Tributes (in which the work of authors is reviewed post mortem, linked to the journal project, whose production has had great relevance in the disciplinary field in which the journal is registered).