Self-criticism of enunciation: Fragments d’un discours amoureux and its Margins
Roland Barthes, literacy semiology, enunciation, proxemics, Donald WinnicottAbstract
Fragments d’un discours amoureux reveals a textual and enunciative apparatus that has hitherto gone unnoticed. The hypothesis underlying the present paper is that this very particular apparatus allows for a kind of self-critique, which Roland Barthes himself calls ‘the self-critique of enunciation’: the lover expresses himself while at the same time critically reviewing his discourse. To confirm this hypothesis, we first show what such an apparatus owes to the project of literary semiology conceived and implemented by Barthes in his teaching and writing. We then highlight the discursive materiality of this apparatus, by analyzing various semantic effects produced by the names inscribed in the margins of the book, particularly the name of the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott.
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