Voice, body, space, time: the “oral” performance San Benito in Gibraltar (Zulia, Venezuela)


  • Martin Lienhard Universidad de Zurich




identity, Afro-American cultures, orality, performance, documentary cinema


This paper emphasizes the enormous interest that the concept of performance has for the study of oral literature and orality in general, a concept whose use suggests, by relativizing the centrality of the verbal, to move from the study of “orality” to the study of oral-gesturality in its space and contexts. It is proposed to consider these “contexts” as true components of the oral-gestural performance. The documentary Los chimbángueles de San Benito or El amor del tambor (available on Vimeo), is part of this work.


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Author Biography

Martin Lienhard, Universidad de Zurich

Martin Lienhard es profesor emérito de la Universidad de Zúrich. Sus principales líneas de investigación son: performance oral-gestual-ritual, textos contemporáneos plurilingües y/o pluriculturales, historia de la esclavitud y los esclavos, cine. De sus principales publicaciones, podemos destacar: La voz y su huella. Escritura y conflicto étnico-social en América Latina (1990), O mar e o mato. Histórias da escravidão (1998), Disidentes, rebeldes, insurgentes. Resistencia indígena y negra en América Latina. Ensayos de historia testimonial (2008).


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How to Cite

Lienhard, M. (2023). Voice, body, space, time: the “oral” performance San Benito in Gibraltar (Zulia, Venezuela). Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(51), 139–148. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2024.1.51.886