Interview with Raul Bueno Chavez

Validity of the semiotic and pedagogical legacy of Desiderio Blanco


  • Rosario Fortino Corral Rodríguez University of Sonora





The book Metodología del análisis semiótico (Lima, 1980), co-authored by Desiderio Blanco and Raúl Bueno, fell into my hands in 2007, when Raúl Bueno[1] came to the University of Sonora as a guest speaker at the Coloquio internacional de literatura mexicana e hispanoamericana. I declare myself one of the many academics who entered the world of semiotics through that door. Subsequently, the magnificent translations of essential semiotists such as J. Fontanille and C. Zilberberg made by Desiderio Blanco (1929-1922), and books authored by him such as Vigencia de la semiótica (2009), would give viability to the passion for semiotics that started with that book. On the occasion of the tribute that Tópicos del seminario is preparing one year after his death, I thought that perhaps Raúl Bueno, who treated him so closely, could share with us a valuable testimony about Desiderio and his circumstances. Generous, as always, he accepted the proposal, and I immediately sent him by email a series of questions grouped in clusters. Here are his warm, fine and splendid responses.


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Author Biography

Rosario Fortino Corral Rodríguez, University of Sonora

Fortino Corral Rodríguez es doctor en español con énfasis en literatura hispanoamericana por la Universidad de Arizona. Actualmente es profesor-investigador de tiempo completo en el Departamento de Letras y Lingüística de la Universidad de Sonora (México). Autor del libro Senderos ocultos de la literatura mexicana: la narrativa fantástica del siglo XIX (2011); coordinador, junto con Gloria Vergara y Alejandro Palma, del libro Revisiones críticas de la literatura hispanoamericana: poéticas, identidades y desplazamientos (2020); director de ConNotas. Revista de crítica y teoría literarias. Sus áreas de interés son: la literatura fantástica hispanoamericana y el estudio de la semiótica literaria.


Ballón, A. (1982). La semiótica en el Perú. Apuntes, (11), 39-58.

Blanco, D. y Bueno, R. (1980). Metodología del análisis semiótico. Lima. Universidad de Lima.

Fontanille, J., e Ivan Darrault-Harris (2022). Homenaje a Desiderio Blanco. Actas Semióticas, (127). Traducción de José García Contto https://semioticaperuana.

Zilberberg, Claude. (2016). Semiótica tensiva. Trad. de Desiderio Blanco. Universidad de Lima. Edición digital.



How to Cite

Corral Rodríguez, R. F. (2024). Interview with Raul Bueno Chavez: Validity of the semiotic and pedagogical legacy of Desiderio Blanco. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(52), 158–169.