Josep Renau. An Art for the People


  • Begoña Souviron López University of Malaga



Josep Renau, social function of the poster, The American Way of Life


In this paper we aim a theoretical and critical approach to the work of the Valencian artist Josep Renau Berenguer who, after being in important positions during the Second Republic in Spain, was forced into exile in Mexico and then in German communist Berlin. This itinerary already deserves justified attention, as does its enormous artistic production, due to the impact and resonance they have, not only in the face of the past, to elaborate the collective memory of the history of the twentieth century, but also with a view to a present and future where the War rhetoric of the great powers is increasing. There are three different stages in his professional evolution of this poster artist and photoeditor, who knew well the formal and plastic avant-garde techniques. In the first, before the outbreak of the war of 36, he produces his manifesto “The social function of the poster”, where he reflects on the pedagogical intention of it. The second stage, Mexican, is characterized by the collaboration with Siqueiros in large political murals. And finally, the third unveils the masterpiece of his life The American Way of Life, which he would finish in the capital of the Democratic Republic of Germany.


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Author Biography

Begoña Souviron López, University of Malaga

Begoña Souviron López es profesora de Didáctica de las lenguas en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación en la Universidad de Málaga. Sus líneas de investigación son: Literatura e iconografía (Salvador Dalí, Josep Renau); Estudios literarios de género. Misoginia y antisemitismo; Literatura clásica española e hispanoamericana. Entre sus principales publicaciones destacan: Retórica de la misoginia y el antisemitismo en la ficción medieval, Universidad de Málaga, 2001. “El Siglo de las Luces de Alejo Carpentier y Los Desastres de la Guerra de Francisco de Goya”, en Fernández Ariza, G. (Coord.), Literatura Hispanoamericana del Siglo XX. Literatura y Arte, Málaga, 2008. Dalí en el contexto cultural centroeuropeo. Literatura e Iconografía, Spicum, Universidad de Málaga, 2014.


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How to Cite

Souviron López, B. (2023). Josep Renau. An Art for the People. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(50), 14–33.