From the Support to the Practice: Concessive and Implicative Strategies in Urban Inscriptions


  • Matheus Nogueira Schwartzmann University Estatal Paulista
  • Thiago M. Correa University "Estatal Paulista"



Urban Inscriptions, Tensivity, Support


According to Correa’s proposals (2016; 2019), we aim to show how urban inscriptions throughout its history make use of support through quantity valorization, via implicative logic, or prioritizing quality, via concession (Zilberberg, 2011). In this regard, the diversified practices (tag, graffiti, pixação, urban art, etc.) are conditioned by a strategic adjustment that will affect the enunciative choice of support and will direct the plasticity of works. Therefore, the historic records of urban inscriptions are reviewed with the support of Zilberberg’s (2008) reading regarding to the baroque and the classic (Wölfflin, 2016) to evoke a reflection on its strategy dimension, whose corpus becomes relevant by the established correlation (Hjelmslev, 2006) between the various levels of analysis that constitute the social-artistic practice addressed. 


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Author Biographies

Matheus Nogueira Schwartzmann, University Estatal Paulista

Professor and Researcher

Thiago M. Correa, University "Estatal Paulista"

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Nogueira Schwartzmann, M., & Correa, T. M. (2021). From the Support to the Practice: Concessive and Implicative Strategies in Urban Inscriptions. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(47), 156–170.