The international reception of the work of A. J. Greimas


  • Thomas F. Broden Purdue University



Reception theory, Semiotics, A.J. Greimas


This case study in the history of the language sciences adopts the perspectives of intellectual history that highlight the modes in which ideas get disseminated. The article analyzes the global impact of A. J. Greimas (1917-1992) and his oeuvre by taking account of international relations and the status of French, and by studying the number and provenance of his international students, his lecture trips abroad, and the chronology and linguistic geography of translations of his work. Notably, his project has inspired considerable appropriations in cultures of Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Lithuanian, and East Asian languages. The study draws from archival documents and from personal communications with Greimas and his translators, editors, and collaborators, and with specialists of the different cultures examined. 


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Author Biography

Thomas F. Broden, Purdue University

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Broden, T. F. (2021). The international reception of the work of A. J. Greimas. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(46), 168–186.