Post-Post-Memory. Usury of Time, Forgetfulness, Reactivation
Memory, Forgetting, Semiotics of the SubjectAbstract
Post-post-memory crosses generations: what remains of distant traumas? How are memory and forgetting articulated over the long term? Drawing on the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacres of 1572, we question the discursive variations in memory, between remembrance and commemoration, through the examination of three discoursive strategies: that of a historian (Benedict Anderson), that of a religious man (François Clavairoly) and that of a politician (Anne Hidalgo). By basing the analysis on the theoretical positions of semiotics, we propose a more general reflection on forgetting which, between the wear and tear of time and political prescription, extends his empire. Memory then presents itself as resistance and confrontation. The semiotic approach makes it possible to sketch a model of this modulation of subjects involved in post-post-memory.
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